From humanity’s beginning, people have sought wisdom to live by. They observed the cycles and patterns through which all things in the universe flowed together in harmony. As a result, they incorporated these patterns of wholeness into the ways that they lived together with other species and the Earth itself. In this time of critical global fragmentation, a new story of wholeness is needed to frame our way forward. Its movement is spiral, like the cycles of Nature, always in the evolutionary direction of the good of the whole.
Built upon a unitive worldview, a unitive narrative gives us a deeper commitment to ensuring Earth’s well-being as a living organism, as we understand more clearly that this depends upon collaborative relationships and dynamic co-evolutionary partnerships on a planetary scale. This affirms that our planet’s own evolutionary progress and purpose can be realized through the positive evolution of human consciousness. |
The Unitive Age can be defined as a unique, emergent period in human and planetary evolution that recognizes the fundamental unity of all life and that catalyses the power and potential of global collaboration for the creation of a flourishing future. |
"We need a new paradigm, a new science of life, for respectful relation with nature. We need to discover our place and our work in the biosphere. We need a new humility to overcome anthropic arrogance. Belonging to the web of life, learning from other members of our Earth Family on how we can live together in symbiosis, creates new possibilities, and new hope."
Honouring indigenous perspectivesFor thousands of years, original peoples have been promoting a worldview that acknowledges the need for us to live together in gratitude, reciprocity and symbiosis. In this time of planetary citizenship, we are all born indigenous to the Earth and need to live in alignment with these core principles.
Optimising WorldviewsAll human worldviews and belief systems stem from a particular relational context. We reflect the environments within which we live. Offering many interpretations of the same reality. But beneath our differences lies an essential unity that reflects a deep symbiotic relationship with Mother Earth. We seek to restore a worldview and narrative that recognises a loving and evolving Universe.